Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Does the app cost any money?

A: The application will be free for all users

Q: How long does it take to get a reading?

A: Please allow 20 seconds to obtain a reading of your accelerometer data

Q: How does the model work?

A: We’ve utilized research data from a multitude of universities and tuned a transformer model to predict labels above or below .08 BAC.

Q: Can I use RUM to tell whether or not I’m okay to drive?

A: No, RUM is not 100% accurate and is only a single metric to indicate whether or not you are physically inebriated. It should never be used as a measure of driving capability.

Q: How does RUM tell whether or not I’m drunk?

A: RUM collects your accelerometer data which tracks how fast you move in different directions and makes a prediction based on a set of training data where accelerometer was tied with how much subjects had drank. Once the application starts, walk in a straight line for 10 seconds to get your reading.

Q: Does my phone need to be connected to the internet for RUM to get a prediction?

A: No, RUM runs completely offline so all the data is processed on your phone without the need of any internet connection

Q: Does RUM save any of my walking or location data?

A: No, as soon as RUM has made a prediction from your data that data is automatically thrown out so that the next prediction can be made.

Q: Does RUM collect any data in the background of my phone?

A: No RUM only collects data while running a RUM test and that data is automatically thrown out once a prediction is made.

“A simple solution to a widespread problem.”

Bryant Hill